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 Payment & General Policy 

Payment Policy (At time of Registration & monthly/annual)

Registration Payment Method: (In person, Phone or Email)



Etransfer (direct to

Credit card (Visa Mastercard Amex)

Sorry no Interact/Debit


Tuition Payment REGISTRATION Payment required: (Non-refundable after registration)

Registration Fee

Resources & Recital Fee

First month lesson fee



Tuition Payment Method



Full Year payment (Cash, Cheque, etransfer, credit card) Due on Sept 30

Half Year Payment  (Cash, Cheque, etransfer, credit card) Due on and before Sept 30 (October-January 4 months) and Jan 31 (Feb to June, 5 months)

Pre-authorized Debit Monthly (Void cheque and signed agreement, debit on the 1st of the month)


Surcharged applicable: (4% surcharge will be applied on ALL MONTHLY credit card payment) 

Monthly Credit card (Visa Mastercard Amex with monthly charge agreement)


Pre-authorized Debit and Credit card on file will be processed monthly automatically  for any outstanding items incurred on account. (Tuition, books, accessories etc.)


Monthly Cash or Monthly E-Transfer Payments (Payment must be made ONE MONTH in ADVANCE, no surcharge)

When paying by E-Transfer, it needs to be emailed to on the last day of every month for one month in advance, as to avoid a late fee charge. 

When paying by CASH or E-Transfer, the following payment schedule will apply:

Sept 30th - payment for Oct + Nov

Oct 31st - payment for Dec

Nov 30th - payment for Jan

Dec 31st - payment for Feb

Jan 31st - payment for March

Feb 28th - payment for April

March 31st - payment for May

April 30th - Payment for June


Registration & first month fee will be Non-Refundable during Current School Year.

No refund will be given on semester registration. 30 days and notice penalty required on annual student’s registration. Unused month to month (4 lessons at a time booking) will not be refunded. All unused lessons fees will remain as credit until the end of the school year, August 31 of the current school year. No credits will carry over August 31 of the current year.

General Policy:
This information sheet is made for your reference. Payment policies, and practice time are listed as follow:
Lessons fees are expected to be in the form of Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) per month, for the whole year or in full. Late payment charges / NSF fees will be applied when payments instructions are rejected or not received after September 1 of the current year. NSF and Late payment charge is $25 / month/ payment.
There will be an additional $10 handling fee applied if you wish to make cash or cheque payment, credit card for month-month enrollment ($10+ 4% surcharge) for monthly recurring lesson fees.
Please be prepared with necessary lesson materials (music books, practice folder, bag, tin sheet with magnets, etc.)
Absence/ Cancellation:
We all understand that special events may happen due to special reasons. If you have to miss a lesson, please let us know as soon as possible. We can be reached at  (403) 374-2182 or (403) 374-0833 or email us at
(The best way is to email during non-academy hours.)
In case of absence:
Group: no make-up will be provided due to the nature of a group class setting. Please notify us before the lesson and we can arrange material for student to take home or to attend another teacher’s class in a pre-arranged time only. Lesson recording service is available at upon request PRIOR to lesson starts at no cost. Lesson will be recorded via Skype and student must supply Skype account info prior to class recording.
Private: 24 hours notice is mandatory for anyone to cancel a lesson (no exceptions). We can try to schedule a make up lesson later if possible. A no show to lesson will result in forfeiting lesson fee and no make-up will be provided (regardless of reason).
School Year:
Private lesson: we expect to have 40 lessons in the 10 month school year from Sep – June. Any remaining lessons unused during the school year should be scheduled for lessons in summer months of July and August. We will NOT carry over lesson remaining to the following school year. Teachers will be expected to rearrange lesson time if teachers cancel. We will only carry up to 8 makeup lessons maximum to summer if students cancel the lessons.
Group lesson: we expect to have 33 lessons in the 10 month school year from Sept to June. Teachers may combine lessons if necessary to finish the last class, one week after the recital if necessary. (Parents will be notified during class). Lessons will run until end of June due to academy holidays.
Termination of lesson during school year:
In case of terminating lesson during the school year, one-month notice and penalty is required. Students are encouraged to stay throughout the year since the specific time spot is reserved for you. Please contact Ms. Jessica directly if you have any special circumstances.
No Cash refund will be given for unused lessons or classes fee. Credit remains in students' account until end of school year, Aug 31 of each year.
Media release (General):
By enrolling as a student of Viva Musica Studio, parents have given us the consent to take photo, audio recording, or video recording of classes for teacher training and quality control purposes. Parents will be asked individually if they would like to have photos, audio recording and video recording published for marketing purpose. Parents further agree that their email address on file will be added to the Viva Musica Studio mailing list and will receive the Viva Musica Studio Newsletter as well as additional email notifications from the studio. Parents understand that personal information is collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) and protected by the privacy provisions of FOIP. This information is for use only by Viva Musica Studio Ltd. & MYC and will not be passed to a third party.
In the case of government order closure of in-person lessons
and classes in Academy:
All lesson will automatically shift to online learning or
as per government recommendation for a school operation. 
WE HAVE A CITY'S SCHOOL/INSTRUCTIONAL FACILITY LICENSE and we are adhered to follow all school operation mandate.
Online login system: Please refer to online Student Portal for specific lesson date.
(All date subject to change)
Summer Classes are also available upon request
Website Login: main page click student portal login via
My Music Staff. Enter your login name and your password. Students are able to record their practice log or any notes or concern you have in the practices during the week and teachers are able to see it. Parents are able to see outstanding invoice or account status as well. Account balance, Schedules and Tax receipts can all be accessible using your student portal login.
All invoices (Books and other purchases) on account are net 5% interest per month will be apply to all delinquent account.



Royal Oak Square

Registration & inquiry hours: 


Mondays                1:00pm - 8:00pm

Tuesdays                1:00pm - 8:00pm

Wednesdays          1:00pm - 8:00pm

Thursdays              1:00pm - 8:00pm

Fridays                    by Appointment only

Saturdays               9:00am - 4:00pm


Sundays & Stat Holidays weekend 

(Saturday to Monday):

By pre-arranged appointment only







Royal Oak

#116 & 208 - 500 Royal Oak Drive NW    

Calgary Alberta T3G 0E8


Phone: 403.374.0833



Alternate Phone: 403.374.2182

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© 2018 by Viva Musica Studio

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