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Hazel Cui (古筝)

About Hazel (古筝)
Guzheng/ Arts of Tea Ceremony
Hazel has learned Guzheng from the famous guzheng master Professor Tu Yongmei since she was a child. She has won many awards in various competitions. She has over ten years of guzheng playing and teaching experience, during which she received personal guidance from many famous teachers. Her students have participated in many domestic and foreign competitions and achieved excellend results. Hazel has also recieved many honors as an outstanding mentor.
Hazel 自幼师从古筝名家涂永梅教授学习古筝,多次在各项比赛中获奖,拥有 10 多年古 筝演奏及教学经验,期间接受多位名师名家亲自指导。她的学生多次参加国内外比赛并取得 优异成绩。Hazel 也作为优秀导师获得了许多荣誉。
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